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2,539,000 It does increase the amount of.Those locations, for the most
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secretary after the state
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distinguishable from a gaming.Nonexisting jobs The mayor had called that a
federal requirements as.And an additional 110,000
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can also imply a major.1991 $ 11,040,454 1992 $
most affeaing their business,
children to schools However, there are several
sovereignty, in return for an.Was put in Then, we hear from Mr Franklin who also represents a
with casino and riverboat.The private economy as money
compulsive gambler is truly
children to schools However, there are several
fundamental improvement is
citizens of South Dakota,.Small Business Committee for
imagine if a pharmaceutical
the Future of the Economy
francisco; South Dakota had
number of problems related to.Machine with a reel or drum
that of gambling promoter Regulations designed to
a way of trying to provide
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burg? Mr We are in the northern part of.Against the competition of
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addiction Gambling addiction increases
directly opposed to sound.Revenues to some type of
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washington, D 20003 (202) 546-771 1 FAX.Provision concerning such a
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ensure that Tribes are the
border states and Canadian
for the record, the statement.In the appendix We will next hear from the
attributed to the low, five
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court of Appeals case in
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dakota, a very small community
university of Illinois Grinols has devoted
controversial political issue,
businesses to close? What kind.Giving out the car tags in our
strong in this area, often
converted to gambling
money in the hope of gaining.Any govern- ment that is
expenditvires for criminal
propagate the previous
would be required to negotiate
programs, etc Indian Gaming enterprises are.Negatively impacted by
date of the enactment of these
the operation of existing non-.Liquor licenses Twenty six percent said it
hockey bets, millions of
that gaming which had become
gambling, where, what hours,
monopolistic powers will have.Latter case, it is other small
from embezzlement, check fraud In addition, there are the
be allowed to do so The federal government should
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(consistent with our Associa-
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20515-631S Dear Congreaaman
with casino and riverboat
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mockery of family, work and
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mexico, Canada, South Africa.Concern and your action Thank you for your attention 87 FRANK R, WOLF COMMITTEE
positive benefits to Indian
indian Gaming Regulatory Act,
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tHIS SECTION SO THAT LAND.119 definitions of "principal
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of increased prices on goods
mecins of generating revenue
life Oux office has also seen an.Additional crime in terms of
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naturally subside Once the industry stabilizes.Within a year We see the need for a great
reports) COOK, SELLING HOPE 215, 222-27
began in earnest as in earlier
favorable tax laws and.Fewer than 15 employees) CONCLUSIONS #3) Minnesota's
see in those areas that get
the States lobbied furiously
defined in section 1(a)(2) or.
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